Introducing Saor

saordatesSaor are Scotlands’ other export. Capturing the purest streams of consciousness from the countrys’ beautiful scenery and condensing it into songs that reflect well up on the majestic atmosphere of Scotland and her terrible bloodied history. There was more to Scotlands’ past than scaring the Romans’ and undermining the English however, Scotland was known to be quite the industry leader. A title that Saor seems to be getting acquainted with.

Yet what if genres were foundries. The shipyard of Saor would be home to the countrys’ Man o’War a ship that’s made from black metal forged in a town that’s never gone to rest. Andy Marshall, the man behind the mist, puts the black in blacksmith. Forging the inhuman screams of ancestral pain into a beast of beauty. Creating a vehicle to carry the loathsome cries of a country constantly under duress.

As with any example of grand design the music of Saor is complete with details and intricate features. Solem passages told with flutes and fiddles. Pibroch rhymes that billow and sway. Accompanied by the harsh brutality of high-end extremity that black metal embodies. Saor is resplendent in both awe and danger, and ready to cast waves of fear and wonder in to the hearts of fans and foes alike with a steady crew under a daring and charismatic captain.

Earlier this year Saor released their third and most ambitious album to date Guardians featuring members of Cnoc An Tursa who have for the past couple of years also been a big part of Saors’ live presence. The sound of Guardians is bigger, stronger and set to take on two of the UK’s biggest cities. From the north they will be playing Glasgow on the 14th of July proceeded by London in the south on the 15th. Two shows that are set to be not just great nights but, like the country itself, an inspiration to others.

About David Oberlin 528 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.