Introducing Voidfallen

Voidfallen is a brand new band from Finland that is currently gearing up to release their debut EP The Sinners, The Plague and The Voidfallen. Ahead of its release, we caught up with Tommi and Henri to find out more about the band – and not only that, we also took the time to review the EP to let you know what can expect from it!


Can you introduce yourselves and tell me a little about the band?
We are Tommi (vocals/lyrics) and Henri (guitars/composition). Voidfallen started as our two man project in early 2018. Our goal was to create a band in which we would do everything as well as we could (with the help of our associates) based on what we’ve learned so far.

Voidfallen is a new band, but features members from several other more established bands. How has it been working together?
Tommi: Working with new people is always a learning process. The members of this band are amazing musicians and people, but also good friends by now. If we look only at the musical aspect we’ve had a pretty clear vision of who does what and it has worked out well this far. A more difficult aspect is to learn who your new friends and partners really are, how they work, how they think, what they like and especially do not like. Our mentality is that, to keep the connection between us strong, the most important part is not what has happened but how we deal with it. Conflicts will happen sooner or later.

Henri: It has been interesting so far and it has taught me already many new things. It takes some time to adjust to your new musical partners, but our musical bond grows stronger every day. It has been extremely fun so far and I hope it’s going to be fun for the years to come.

How did you all meet and decide to start making music together?
Tommi: We are all connected to each other in some way, everyone knew at least one person from the band in advance. Henri and I have known each other for around a decade by now. Like you said, we’ve all been in more established bands before, but we felt like we wanted to form a new band in which we could use all the information and experience we’ve gained along the years, to learn from all the things we could have done better or perhaps not do at all.

Henri: Me and Tommi, as he said, have know each other for a decade by now and we’ve always been more or less on the same page with our musical tastes. We’ve talked about doing music together for a long time and now with Voidfallen we actually can do the music we’ve wanted to do for so long. Tommi and I have high standards on how we want to do music and Voidfallen is perfect for that.

Where do you draw your influences from?
Tommi: My lyrics are often based on a real life event or a feeling et cetera, and then describe it in a more perhaps dramatic or surrealistic way. For me writing of ordinary things are boring even if the meaning or feeling behind it is enormous. I also generally am not interested in telling exactly what has been going through my mind when writing the lyrics. I find it amazing and really interesting to see and hear how people have intepreted them. If I would give them the clear picture I would ruin it.

Henri: Musically, I’ve always liked really strong and heavy guitar riffs and beautiful melodies. Both of these create a nice contrast and they complement each other. And with Tommi’s strong vocal performance our music goes to the next level.

You’re currently getting ready to release your debut EP The Sinners, The Plague and The Voidfallen. Can you describe the writing and recording process for it?
Tommi: Working on the EP was surprisingly painless. Henri did almost entirely all the compositions, after he had the demos done we discussed on the details and fixed them. The same process went with the lyrics after that. Mika recorded the drums and the modern era being as amazing as it is, Henri recorded all the stringed instruments at his apartment. Vocals were recorded and the EP was mixed at Shedstudios, ran by Juhis Kauppinen and the EP was mastered by the legendary Mika Jussila who is known for his work with Children of Bodom, Nightwish and other Finnish stars.

Henri: Actually, Sinners from this EP has been on my hard drive since late 2017. We just made some little tweaks to it here and there. The Plague and Voidfallen kind of wrote themselves after I was satisfied with the final demo of ”Sinners”. It was easy after that to export all the tracks and let Juhis do his magic on them in the mix. And of course, Mika Jussila gave the final touch with his legendary mastering skills.

Did you run into any challenges or issues whilst creating the EP, or did it all go to plan?
Tommi: Creating the music itself was, like I said in the previous question, surprisingly painless. Creating the visual look and managing the schedules were a headache tho. We’ve received a lot of different things around the world to satisfy our needs in the visual aspect and fitting all of that into the schedules of our collaborators wasn’t as easy as one would wish.

Would you say the EP is representative for what fans can expect from a full-length release, or is it more of a standalone piece?
Tommi: Our music represents what we currently are, a picture of the time being so to speak. What comes later will be from the same tree but most likely not the same branch.

Henri: Well, first release so this is what we are at the moment. This is a good place to start and we’ll let the music evolve from here.

Moving onto live performances, do you have any upcoming shows in the works?
Right now we can name these following dates. More will come later on.
11.10.2019: YO-talo, Tampere, FIN w/ Vorna
12.10.2019: Ilokivi, Jyväskylä, FIN w/ Vorna
15.11.2019: Suistoklubi, Hämeenlinna, FIN w/ Vorna
16.11.2019: On the Rocks, Helsinki, FIN w/ Vorna

What can fans expect from a Voidfallen show?
Tommi: Intensity. We are not a theatrical band in its common sense but you will have more than just 5 guys playing metal.

Henri: Beautiful melodies, strong and intense guitar riffs… and blast beats!

And finally what’s instore for the band for the rest of the year?
We have the shows to play but we are also working on new material. We are going to stay active with releasing new music and you will have more soon enough.

The Sinners, The Plague and The Voidfallen Review

For a debut offering from a band, The Sinners, The Plague and The Voidfallen certainly sets the bar high for future releases from Voidfallen. Strong from start to finish, it really packs a punch and the three songs definitely leave you hungry for more.

Sinners instantly gets things moving; there is instant energy and momentum, and really shows that the band means business with this EP. It immediately just grabs your attention, and there’s such power to the track that it’ll almost take your breath away. Following track The Plague is perhaps the most melodic of the three – the synth sections take more of a lead role with progressing the track and help divide it up well, and meanwhile closing track Voidfallen merges the previous tracks together to create a ‘happy medium’, so to speak. Bringing in the aggression from Sinners and the more melodic moments of The Plague, it crafts a triumphant closing track to end the EP with a bang.

If you’re looking for some excellent melodeath, then look no further than Voidfallen because they’ve got this nailed. Make sure you keep an eye on this band because if this EP is anything to go by, we can surely expect great things from them.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.