Introducing The Webb

The Webb
Photo by Keith Williams.

We recently caught up with the genre-defying duo of The Webb for a chat and to find out a little more about them. Get acquainted below!

Can you introduce yourself and tell me a little about the band?
We are Becki and Marc and have chosen to be a duo as Marc writes and plays all the music. The lyrics and vocals are Becki’s department. Everything is recorded live without computer trickery, to give the sound an earthy feel. We cross a lot of genres, mainly goth, punk and electro pop.

How did you get started?
We built a soundproof room for Marc to play drums in, his son brought his bass guitar round, and Becki’s dad’s yamaha keyboard ended up in the music room too. We just messed about, but Marc started writing songs, and Becki joined in singing. We acquired a 24 track recording device so we could hear ourselves back. Over a year our songs got better and we added synths.

You’ve been gigging for the past year or so now – how would you describe your live show to someone who has yet to see you live?
As a duo we share the focal point by standing side by side. Marc plays 2 synths on a stand decorated with cobwebs and fairy lights. Becki decorates her mic stand too with Halloween dolls, and uses various props that appear in some of our videos. Our show is very visual and our energy shines through due to our passion for our music. We also perform a little synchronised dance during Falling Down which adds fun to proceedings.

If you could play anywhere with a band of your choice, what would you choose and why?
We hope you have a Time Machine… As Marc would play with Tubeway Army in the 100 club , in London in 1978. And Becki would choose Siouxsie And The Banshees in The Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool in 1983.

Are you working on any new material?
Our new material has been sent to Gothic World Records in Italy for release on our album entitled In A Dark Place. Due out December 2014, and we have 3 promo videos to coincide with the album’s release.

How do you approach your writing and recording process?
There is no set structure within The Webb, songs can literally take shape from a drum beat or a bass line, or random melodies on the synths. Marc layers up the sounds and is often surprised with the outcome, especially when he has one idea in mind that transcends into another. Becki is quick to hear where any singing should take place, and is armed with unlimited lyrical imagery. Some tracks have just verses and no chorus, so there really are no rules adhered to.

What has been your best experience in the business?
We can’t pinpoint one particular thing as we really are enjoying the whole experience. Meeting other musicians, discovering fans who travel to see us play live, and making our own videos .

And what’s the hardest thing about being in the business?
We can struggle with the self promotion side of things as we have D.I.Y ethics, and equally appreciate that bands be overlooked in today’s over saturated music scene. We get contacted by online businesses that appear to like what we do, but then demand a fee for their services.

What inspires you?
Making music and writing lyrics have become a natural outlet for our creativity. We take inspiration from songs we liked growing up, sci fi and horror books/films plus a general escapism from the real world.

Who are your role models and idols?
For Becki it has to be Siouxsie Sioux for her strength of character and image. Marc would include Gary Numan, Sid Vicious and Marvin The Martian as some of his favourite personalities that have graced the planet.

The Webb: Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.