Irij – Same Zgode… Review

Irij Same ZgodeIrij is a one-woman folk music project, brought to life by ex-Eluveitie violinist Meri Tadić in autumn 2006. Her self-titled debut EP was released in 2009, and Same Zgode… is her first full length release. It’s a very experimental and atmospheric album, taking a largely acoustic approach, and naturally there is a lot of stunning violin-work within.

An instant highlight of the album is Nevenko, which has a funky violin line on top of a varied selection of percussion and the vocals are absolutely top-notch, almost like the violin and voice are having a conversation and communication with one another as the different sections go by, which is a uniquely refreshing way to construct the song.

One of the things that works best about Same Zgode… is the recurring ideas that keep cropping up throughout. The repeating acoustic idea in the introductory title track Same Zgode… keeps cropping up here and there, and there are certain vocal melodies and instrumental lines that recur throughout. It’s a clever way to write an album; like one long extended idea rather than 13 seperate songs and it just works.

The ‘hidden’ track at the end of …dogoditi! is also a stunning piece. It has a bit more of an electric feel to it and there are so many different ideas and melodies crammed into the song that on the surface, it sounds like it shouldn’t work – and yet it does. It’s very striking and gels together effortlessly.

Same Zgode… is a stunning piece of work and even more so when you take into account this was written, arranged and produced by a single person! A unique piece that’s memorable for all the right reasons.


Irij: Website|Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.