Picks Of The Month: January 2018

It’s a new year (although let’s be honest, it feels like it’s been January forever!) and with that brings a fantastic helping of great new music! Here’s what we loved from January (plus a bonus leftover from December)!

Nat’s Picks

Rise Of Avernus – Eigengrau
Track to check out: Tempest
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/rise-avernus-eigengrau-review/
Purchase link: https://riseofavernus.bandcamp.com/album/eigengrau

An utterly majestic collection of tracks. I do love me a bit of death/doom, and the added orchestral element to Rise Of Avernus’ sound is absolutely delicious.

Crossfaith – Wipeout
Track to check out: Inside The Flames
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/crossfaith-wipeout-review/
Purchase link: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/SRCL-9627

I’ve never been the biggest fan of Crossfaith on CD, simply preferring to witness them in a live environment – but Wipeout definitely changed my mind for the better. Check this awesome EP out now!

Jess And The Ancient Ones – The Horse And Other Weird Tales
Track to check out: Shining
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/jess-ancient-ones-horse-weird-tales-review/
Purchase link: https://jessandtheancientones.bandcamp.com/album/the-horse-and-other-weird-tales

I DON’T CARE IF THIS COUNTS AS CHEATING. But we didn’t do a “picks of December 2017” article and I’ll be damned if I let JATAO’s most recent opus slip through the net because it’s seriously epic.

Dave’s Picks

Lovelorn Dolls – Darker Ages
Track to check out: Happy Endings
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/lovelorn-dolls-darker-ages-review/
Purchase link: https://alfamatrix.bandcamp.com/album/darker-ages-bonus-tracks-version

Not gonna lie but I have a fetish for the sounds of 90’s Madonna and this album has a similar composition. That is to say it has polish over the raw emotion the performers present. This album is a soul searcher.

Vinide – Reveal
Track to check out: The Rat
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/vinide-reveal-review/
Purchase link: https://www.recordshopx.com/artist/vinide/reveal/

This is a seriously classy album, filled with talent and brimming with spirit.

Machine Head – Catharsis
Track to check out: California Bleeding
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/machine-head-catharsis-review/
Purchase link: http://www.nuclearblast.de/en/products/tontraeger/cd/machine-head-catharsis.html

Talking of soul searching the new Machine Head album sounds like Robb Flynn got his spirit back. Originally stolen by the spirit of hippity-hop. You know how Machine Head got a bad rep? Well like Killface I blame the hip-hop.

About Natalie Humphries 1926 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.