Jinjer – King Of Everything Review

jinjer king of everythingKing Of Everything, Sovereign To No One The Third, to append it’s full title, is the latest decree from Ukrainian metal shop quartet Jinjer (pronounced Red Haired People.) Disproving the popular notion that Djent has no soul this their third album is a heavy post-metal dissection of extreme genres with pop sensibilities.

Clearly talented but largely indistinguishable from the rest of the metal fad, Jinjer are Ukraine’s answer to the West’s hipster metal fashion movement.  The high level of skill displayed in its execution is unquestionable but it’s not enough to save much of the content from ambiguity. The album doesn’t come without merits however.

With its blistering riffs and ruminations on funk and soul, King Of Everything is a shotgun blast of emotions that moves between abstract djent styled measures and samba. It’s a heavily stylised sound that in the right mood could leave a hole where your body should be.  However by engaging within a familiar framework for post-core the more metal components tend towards sounding like filler content, rather than being thrilling and intuitive. When Jinjer make for evocative cadences they also plateau on principles by placing them all thematically in the same song.  Giving each song a strong identity but also segregating the atmosphere throughout the album.

Further to the use of interesting beats, taking many of it’s more articulate rhythms from traditional styles of music, the closing songs on King Of Everything are far more interesting musically than the alt-pop the album sets out to establish itself with.  There’s also a vein of disco running through these harsh measures which is actually quite endearing given the penchant for nobcores’ (genre) attempts to alienate its audience.

To contrast this quasi approach to songwriting Jinjer have got one of the most divine metal vocalists in their ranks, and her range is utilized effectively to confront the listener, where the schizophrenic alternation between dulcet phrasing and mighty roars cries with authenticity.  As fun as it is enjoy the terrified warbles of Thanksgiving’s turkeys, it’s refreshing to hear someone sing without trying to be an angel.


About David Oberlin 526 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.