Kaeck – Stormkult Review

kaeck stormkultThe first blaspheme from preterite black metallers Kaeck is almost a retrospective of when dingy home recordings spoke volumes from the hearts of demonized and distinguished individuals. Coalescing into a modern revamp of the accessible noise that really cemented black metal as a propriety genre.  Stormkult is musical atavism at best and straightforward nostalgia dreaming in a most shady recollection, this is exactly what happens when you let Black Metallers out of their bedroom before dusk.

Chaos ensues throughout the album entirely like a confluent struggle, making Stormkult sound similar to watching a dance between a naked flame and an oxygen tank.  Vitriol espoused to the incongruous melodies give Kaeck to a wickedly delightful supplement of true sonic warfare and it is really hard to not get spellbound with their ephemeral and beguiling cacophony of mescalin wails and fibrous walls of discontent.

Heading towards sounding a lot like early Abigor without the heavy delay effect or Cradle Of Filths’ demos, Stormkult has a deathly grasp of what constitutes great second wave black metal, and they are without fault in creating viscera through maligned and marvelous black metal.  Kaeck have accomplished what most Garage Goths are trying to rip-off.  Something true to themselves.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.