Kalmah – Palo Review

Released on: 6th April 2018

Twenty years of Kalmah and with no signs of slowing down their latest album Palo is a fresh gust of melody and metal. Taking on elements of thrash, power and folk metal this heavy riff machine blends it all into a cohesive package with addictive qualities. It’s a heavy metal smoothie, or better yet a cheese board of finely matured sounds.

With ten tracks of might and valour Palo tirelessly carries out an onslaught of masterful hooks, licks and meaty riffs which only abate to change lyrical context. Fighting strong and powerfully exhibiting adroit technique from guitarists Antti and Pekka Kokko. The energy; The vehement playing makes this eighth album sound like spring.

Most of the melodic focus is in the verbosity of the guitars but it all comes together with the softer tones of the keyboard that really compliment the steamroller riffs. Yet this comes with a caveat in that to cut through the rough as grit guitars the voices often try to go over their frequencies segregating them like the sky from the ground. However the amalgamation of the groups ensemble brings this band working together to create an incredibly flawless veneer of emotional riffs.

Hailed as death metal most of the riffs are unexpectedly pretty, while also being brilliant and fancy. Palo is a monumental headbanger though and even through it’s alpha wave tremolo pacing it remains a chill album that inspires a few good beers and your feet up.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.