Kaoteon – Damnatio Memoriae Review

Release date: February 23 2018

Damnatio Memoriae is the second album from Lebanese black metallers Kaoteon and whilst it may not be one of the most exciting or unique albums out there, it’s still a pretty good listen.

There’s a good amount of heaviness to the music and a great crispness to the sound, and a lot of power to each of the tracks. A great example of this is the closing track A Breath. The opening of the song is absolutely mighty, with elements slowly being added as the song builds up, and then when everything is combined together it creates a stunning and massive-sounding epic that will really give you goosebumps. From the crashing drums to the wall of guitars and the versatile vocals, every element gives the song an extra sparkle.

However, on the other hand, the majority of the album does seem to follow the same format and as a whole it means that Damnatio Memoriae isn’t quite a standout piece. The passion in the delivery can’t be faulted, and the band’s musicianship is excellent but as Kaoteon aren’t really doing anything different compared to all the other bands in this admittedly-oversaturated genre, it’s easy to forget about the album once you’ve finished listening to it.

Damnatio Memoriae is alright, and whilst it is still an album worth checking out, it most likely will translate better in a live environment.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.