Interview With Karybdis


We’re loving the new Karybdis album Samsara – our review of which can be checked out here! Eager to find out more, we caught up with Karybdis for a chat.

So you recently released your new album Samsara – what’s the response been like for it so far?
Great so far! Had stunning reviews from Metalhammer and various online webzines. Very exciting!

Can you describe the writing and recording process for it?
Our drummer recorded with Mark Lewis in America. We then recorded everything else in the UK, and sent it to him. He mixed it at Audiohammer, then we exchanged ideas until we were all happy with the mix!

Compared with your last album From The Depths, did you do anything differently?
The choice of studio was crucial for us. We wanted a slightly more modern production to go with the style of music we are creating. We used purely triggered bass drum hits this time too, where we didn’t for our first album.

Were there any songs that were more of a challenge to get right?
Absolutely. Mermaids proved to be a very difficult one for us all to agree on, and spent many months on the backburner. It’s so different from the rest of the album, slow and moody!

Which one are you most proud of?
One track in particular? That’s difficult. Mermaids stands out as an equal collaboration between all the members in the band, but Ascendancy is also one we are very proud of.

I find the artwork particularly striking for Samsara – who designed it and what’s the story behind it?
We got in touch with a Swedish designer who’s work we found online. The word ‘Samsara’ means the cycle of life and energy, a concept found in Hinduism. We came up with some ideas that could symbolise this, a sun or star to symbolise a neverending cycle, but wanted it to have a heavy metal twist, so asked for some monsters in there- something eating away and destroying this energy from the inside, a metaphor or what humans are doing to our earth.

Have you got any plans for some shows in the works?
Many! We are appearing around the country over the summer, and will hopefully be able to announce some festivals soon!

What’s been the best show you’ve ever played?
The best? Possibly our first album launch, so much energy! The best venue? Bloodstock in 2013.

And perhaps the strangest or weirdest?
We have been booked for a private birthday party this summer. We will let you know….

And finally what’s in store for the band for the rest of 2016?

We have started writing our third album, and we will be touring as much as we can!

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.