Keep Of Kalessin – Epistemology Review

Keep of Kalessin EpistemologyWhen it comes to Keep Of Kalessin, people have come to expect great things from them due to the quality of their past releases. Epistemology is the band’s latest opus but in all honesty, it doesn’t feel like it’s anything truly special and lacks that special something.

Keep Of Kalessin are good at writing epic melodeath numbers and Epistemology is no exception to this. Dark Divinity is a massive-sounding track with some downright stunning clean vocals, and Universal Core has a magnificent brutality to it thanks to the furiously frenetic drums and powerful harsh vocals.

However there’s nothing that really aids the album in standing out from the crowd in comparison to the albums that have come before it. The songs are good, there’s no mistaking that, but they lack that special spark and play more as background music rather than songs that demand your utmost attention and doesn’t quite maintain your interest from start to finish.

As a whole, Epistemlogy just doesn’t quite go the distance. Whilst it won’t exactly leave you reeling in disgust, it isn’t quite a great listen and it’s a shame – Keep Of Kalessin is capable of better than this.


Keep Of Kalessin: Website|Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.