Kevin Lawry – The Shadows Stole The Dawn Review

Kevin Lawry The Shadows Stole The DawnRiding solo and off his own steam Kevin Lawry (ex-Silent Winter, ex-Khthon, Crowned in Earth) has made the first marvelous step forward in a new musical journey. His new album under his own name is called The Shadows Stole The Dawn and it explores some gothic influences to reinterpret them into an ephemeral substrate of mellow prog-rock.

The dulcet tones of the album though tinged with melancholy are soft and relaxing. Driven by bass and contrasted with flutes and pianos so that the dynamic range on here is elating. However The Shadows Stole The Dawn is grounded in rock sensibility and simplicity even through the layers of organic timbres.

Occasionally and brief the album holds the tricks of 80’s goth that flicker like memories, adapting to new sonal territories and where their sentiments towards Kevins’ influences reward attention to the details. In moments of familiarity they quickly become dissonant from their original form, comforting and alienating perspective from intent.

Given that the album is poised as a deeply personal and honest endeavor, and coming from the Doom metal scene, it’s incredibly warm. As stated previously the dynamic range from orchestration is bright and contrasted by a firm heat emanating from the bass register. These qualities give this a wide space for the lyrical musings of Kevin and although they’re not expressed with gusto they at least come across as sincere.

The Shadows Stole The Dawn is a very apt title for the feelings Kevin Lawry elicits through the medium of music. As just the mood of the album sounds like a dark morning in a warm environment. It’s music to wake up to, having a comforting tone even in light of the narrative being a little dazed and confused. With most of the story told through the music the words take a backseat while the guitars, synths, flutes and pianos play out the drama of Kevin Lawrys’ direction.

It’s also worth noting that the post-processing has a timeless edge that sounds both home grown and like it was recorded in the Bat Cave. Almost galvanizing the album in a comely DIY mystique. While some things become more refined by technology, this album shows that some of the finest products are hand crafted.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.