Khaos-Dei – Opus II: Catechism Review

khaos-dei_opusii-catechism_covecdI can’t speak French but you can’t mistake the biology of the second opus in the grand discography of Khaos-Dei. A symphonic black metal experience that’s nefariously anti-christian in its aural slaughter. Powerfully embracing the darkness with every scintilla of truth found in previously banned literature (forbidden knowledge.)

As the ideology of Norwegian black metal has simmered down to become a cultural (kvltural?) brand, a political device in name only, the scattered remnants of Baphomets creed are diligently forging ahead with fear and wonder. Embracing the unknown with an articulate and charming poise. Music is a language unto itself and this subset of black metal is stylish and deliberate.

The plainly titled Opus II: Catechism is more than a bill of principles and goes far beyond the principles of evil, at least in sound. As it wickedly conjures a dense cloud of foreboding orchestrations and juxtaposes them with some intensely horrific riffing courtesy of the guitar. Explained in prose by the blackened vocals of Nacht. This album is a majestic and comprehensive score that rallies the horde with a non-discriminatory accord. Well except the broken slave nations of Christians. The exception proves the rule though, right?

What a glorious defilement this album is. Taking the rage black metal incites and plying it truthfully towards a melodious terror, this album is a natural force filled with blood lust and passion. It’s the monsters in the forest or the screaming in the park. It’s a horrific and oh so endearing riff on the sentiments of true Norwegian black metal. Unique with the attention to style and manufacturing that you can only find from a country that historically took no bullshit from creed and kin.

It sounds both noble and vile but beneath is diabolical countenance is a technically pleasurable album that has the backing of solid rhythms and spine chilling riffs that take the rustic bars of black metal and deconstruct them into a vehicle for Khaos-Dei to ride gallantly upon. Slaying the Grecian order of things to set the prescient for a new wonder born from chaos. The second opus is daring in every canto and is made to inspire.


About David Oberlin 526 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.