Khemmis – Doomed Heavy Metal Review

Released on: 17th April 2020

What is this then? Doomed Heavy Metal. By Khemmis no less. Doom is the name of the game right now. And Khemmis are at the top of theirs. So let us riff and… tear. Riff. And tear. All while Khemmis riff ‘us a new one, or not as the case may be here.

Unlike the puns in that introductory paragraph this mini-album from the Colorado based doom evangelicals is comprised of songs that are not at all bad. You could even go so far as to describe them as immensely pleasurable to listen to. However for a more apt description you could say that Doomed Heavy Metal is a creature comforts mini-album.

Offering an official place under the Khemmis discography for tracks A Conversation With Death, which featured on The Man of Medan OST and the Fraught With Peril split with Spirit Adrift, the track Empty Throne that was originally released on Decibel Mag’s Flexi series, and the bands chirpier cover of Rainbow in the Dark by Icon of Rockin’ Dio. Giving the songs a more available home and reinforcing the bands SEO.

In addition to the aforementioned studio tracks Khemmis have included three live tracks. Which is presumably to prove that the band do tour outside of the internet. And if it wasn’t for the crowd cheering you would be forgiven for thinking that they were just mastered under a different producer. Such is the magic of technology.

Is it worth it? It is worth every second. For fans old and new interested parties there is something that will either reaffirm your fancy or make the band click with you. As the Doom merchants provide solid takes on darker classics. Doomed Heavy Metal fits the band, not just as a gimmick but, as a solid introduction to the work of Khemmis.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.