Khold – Du dømmes til Død Review

Released on: 22nd March 2024

Back on the grind Kholds‘ latest Du dømmes til Død (You Are Sentenced to Death – sic) is being hailed as mid-paced metal with no compromises. And, yes. Yes, it is mid. Having few stand out riffs that push– any boundary really. Although, it is definitely not bad, it does all blend together like monochromatic tie-dye.

With all that being said it is yet another death metal album wearing corpse paint. A kind of hybrid that blurs the lines even further between the genres, while mixing in some more rock ‘n’ roll influences. Even if that is not new it is still different enough to warrant some merit. Especially in a genre saturated with edge lords and Coulrophics who aim for almost incomprehensible tempos.

The tunes are fine. But, you can save your lighter fluid for another show. The riffs as previously mentioned ralph (sick! – Ed) over the run-time. Caught on blunt hooks with sober repetition. Which leave the album overall about as exciting as a bulimics toothbrush.

Kholds‘ concept for this album is far more creative than the music itself. A story that details the happenings of goons and the death penalty in Norway. An interesting premise but the delivery is anemic. Where the horrific atmosphere is sacrificed for a thick serving of metal posturing that overwhelms the intrigue with pale rockabilly. Fans will love it.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.