Killers Walk Among Us – Killers Walk Among Us Review

Killers Walk Among UsIt’s somewhat haunting to listen to the new release from Killers Walk Among Us, their self-titled debut album that is sadly also their final release due to the untimely passing of singer/songwriter Stefan, because it is packed with ten emotionally powerful tracks that would have tugged on your heartstrings even without the knowledge of the band’s loss.

Killers Walk Among Us is a fine example of indie rock done right, and the album as a whole is a very refreshing and relaxing listen that is easy on the ears and big on emotion – quite simply, it’s a highly emotive piece.

One particularly stunning inclusion is Denial Is Not A River. Starting with beautifully simplistic piano accompanied with a sparse guitar line and simple-yet-effective vocals, it’s a fairly stripped-back piece at first, but when the drums get added and the track gets an all-round fuller sound, it practically becomes a whole new beast in comparison. It’s an intriguing little listen, especially since it comes full circle by ending in largely the same way it began, and a track definitely worth more than a passing glance.

This is not just an album; it is an art form and is an accessible listen to fans of all genres. A job well done, and it’s a crying shame that this will be the last we’ll hear from this talented band.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.