King Satan – King Fucking Satan Review

king satan king fucking satanIt was coming to the end of Nummirock. After seeing Whispered, there wasn’t any other bands on the lineup that I felt like I had to see…or so I thought. As it was cold and raining, I decided to go and visit a friend’s camp rather than stand about in the cold watching bands I’d seen in the past, and for one reason or another, we decided to check out King Satan on Spotify. We fully expected them to be some sort of generic black metal outfit due to their name and how their logo looked – but we couldn’t have been more wrong and half an hour later, we found ourselves in the Original Tent to check them out. One awesome set later, and a purchase of their album upon arriving home from the festival, I knew that this was a band I had to write about.

King Fucking Satan is an absolutely excellent piece of work. Ten tracks of kickass industrial/techno-metal tunes, the album will draw you in and hold your interest from start to finish. There’s something about the music that just makes you want to dance and move about, and there’s plenty of elements to it that will get stuck in your head.

Opener Dance With The Devil helps to get the album off with a bang, thanks to the seriously infectious synth line coupled with the powerful and striking vocals that starts things moving almost immediately, and the chorus is tremendous, packing a real punch and giving the song an extra bite. Another highlight is the fast-paced and hard-hitting track is Psygnosis, which will certainly get your foot tapping along to the beat.

What’s especially good about King Fucking Satan is the fact that the band also adds a good bit of variation into the music to mix things up and keep the listen a little more fresh, showing they have a few more strings to their bow. Later track Destroy The World Or How To Combine Love And Misantrophy is a particularly good example of this, taking a more melodic and ‘softer’ approach with its sound, and it helps to divide the album up a little better.

As a whole, this is an awesome album. Stick it on loud and get dancing to it – and make sure you check out this talented band live if you can!


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.