Letters To Burn – Rebirth Review

Release date: March 1st 2024

Rebirth is the debut EP from Letters To Burn, serving as the first insight into the band and what they’re all about, following on from the release of their single of the same name a few weeks prior.

Featuring four tracks, Rebirth is a fairly easy listen with no real surprises. It’s to-the-point alt-rock with no messing about, perfect for sticking on either as a bit of background noise or as more of an engaging listen.

The vocals from frontman Michael (ex-Prospekt) are a particularly high point of the release; there’s a great deal of passion and emotion to the performance, and really helps you to connect with the music a little more closely. The aforementioned opener Rebirth showcases a great versatility to the vocals, and is one of the strongest tracks of the EP as a result of this. I also found myself drawn to the album’s closer Sledgehammer, which is the heaviest of the four, and there’s this impassioned fury in both the instrumentation and vocal delivery.

Letters To Burn aren’t exactly reinventing the wheel with Rebirth, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing because each of the four songs bring something new to the table and it’s a really enjoyable listen as a whole. Needless to say it’s a very good starting point for them and I for one am certainly eager to see what’s coming next from them.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.