Limb – Limb Review

Limb self titledLimb’s self-titled album can certainly be described as a grower. Nothing quite manages to grab you on your first listen, so is subsequently a little difficult to get into, but it’s well worth persevering and giving it a few spins because it really does grow on you and get more enjoyable with each listen.

There’s a slight lack of variety between some of the tracks, but if you look past this the album is a pretty good listen, with two-parter track Eternal Psalm being a particularly resonant number and Gift Of The Sun is an especially strong piece that keeps things moving nicely – especially with the slower section in the middle that slowly builds things up and up again until the full band kicks in once again.

Closing with Vathek, it’s somewhat of a disorganised ending, stopping abruptly before haphazardly fading away. It feels like the band could do better and is a bit of a dissatisfying way to wind things up.

It’s a good album, there’s no question about that, but it doesn’t quite manage to cross the line into ‘great’.


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About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.