Picks Of The Month: March 2018

February seemed to last forever, but March has absolutely flown by! Here’s our favourite releases from the past month – we hope you like them as much as we did!

Natalie’s Picks

Sammal – Suuliekki
Track to check out: Herran pelko
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/sammal-suuliekki-review/
Purchase link: https://www.svartrecords.com/product/suuliekki-4/#suuliekki-3

Sammal has always been a quality band and their latest piece of work is no exception to this. Suuliekki is an awesome album. A highly recommended listen to all those who love their prog.

Aukai – Branches Of Sun
Track to check out: Branches Of Sun
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/aukai-branches-sun-review/
Purchase link: https://aukai.bandcamp.com/album/branches-of-sun

I was very impressed with Aukai’s previous album so have been eagerly awaiting his next album – and Branches Of Sun did not let me down. A beautifully relaxing listen.

Hiidenhauta – 1695
Track to check out: Musta leipä
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/hiidenhauta-1695-review/
Purchase link: https://www.inverse.fi/shop/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=742

Fancy something a little more noisier than my last two recommendations? Well, I’ve got you covered with Hiidenhauta. 1695 kicks some serious ass and will surely get your head banging. Stick it on at top volume and prepare to be impressed.

Dave’s Picks

ESA – That Beast
Track to check out: Then Follow Me
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/esa-beast-review/
Purchase link: https://esangp.bandcamp.com/

Now I like to dance and I like to dance to industrial but what I really like to do with industrial is mishear things, like lyrics. In this album we have such stoaters as “Fucking bitch face. Fucking neet.” And “Origami fighting.” If there was a sonic Rorschach test I’m sure Freud would imply it had something to do with me resenting authority or because I have an emotionally impoverished attitude or some-shit. Too heavy? Yeah, same. This album is a beast; it’s That Beast.

Dead Of Night – The Evolving Science Of Self
Track to check out: Seraphim
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/dead-of-night-the-evolving-science-of-self-review/
Purchase link: http://prideandjoy.de/shop/de/home/103-dead-of-night-the-evolving-science-of-self.html

This album has a lot going on and it’s all good but some of the most notable aspects are its syncopated rhythms, melodic hooks and coherent harmonies. It’s operatic metal at its finest and dare I say it sounds very British, being part Bond-esque soundtrack and part Electro-Karl-Jenkins. Fackin’ lav-it!

Reprisal – None Survive The Sun
Track to check out: Born Alien
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/reprisal-none-survive-the-sun-review/
Purchase link: https://hostilemedia.bandcamp.com/album/none-survive-the-sun

This album is gargantuan. The riffs are perfect, the musicianship and writing is exemplary, this is just an all round quality album. Go get, enjoy!

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.