Mechanical Man – Mechanical Man Review

Mechanical ManMechanical Man are currently getting ready to release their self-titled debut album and although there are a few elements that need a bit of fine-tuning, it’s a good starting point for the band and is certainly an impressive debut for the band.

Instrumentally, there’s not a lot that can be faulted – there’s some really nice complex elements interwoven into the music, with the synth line being especially strong, and there’s enough complexity to keep you on your toes yet it’s not over the top, being showy simply for the sake of it. Particular highlights include middle track Madhouse, which has this wonderful little musical theme interwoven into the piece, and later track Nightmare Master, which is a groovier/funkier more bass-driven track featuring a great guitar solo for good measure.

Unfortunately, at times it does feel like the vocals need a bit more power behind them, as occasionally they don’t sound strong enough to fit with the musical style that the rest of the band plays. Of course, that’s not to say the vocals are terrible – they just need a bit of fine-tuning in order to move Mechanical Man to the next level.

As a whole, this album is a great starting-point for Mechanical Man, laying down the foundations for what is hopefully going to be a long and exciting career for this up-and-coming band.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.