Midnight Bullet – Lose My Face Review

midnight bullet lose my faceLose My Face is the second album from Finnish rockers Midnight Bullet and if you’re into chunky-sounding guitar sections and big sing-along choruses, this could well be an album for you.

Midnight Bullet absolutely know how to write an earworm or two, with many songs on Lose My Face clearly destined to be stuck in your head thanks to the distinctive vocal lines. Tracks such as the striking opener Memories Are Gone grabs your attention right away, and groovier number Sculpture Of Broken Eternity features a marvellous guitar solo that you’ll certainly want to revisit more than a few times.

However, there’s just something about Lose My Face that’s a little lacking. It’s certainly good, but it just seems to lack that special ‘something’ to give it the edge. It’s an easy listen, and an accessible album that has the ability to appeal to a wider market, yet it doesn’t really manage to blow you away. It’s a shame because at times it does feel like they have the potential to go further.

As a whole, Lose My Face is a good album, but sadly it doesn’t quite manage to cross the line into being a great one. Still worth checking out though.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.