Millie Manders’ Playlist

Millie Manders

We recently caught up with Millie Manders to get an insight into her musical tastes and influences. Get involved and listen below!

A song that influenced her
Picking just one is so hard, but No Doubt’s Ex-Girlfriend sticks in my mind because of the chunky bass line and anti love song lyrics. Plus Gwen is an ultimate rock babe.

A song she wishes she could have written
Dolly Parton – 9 to 5. Seriously. Who wouldn’t want to have written one of the biggest and most remixed country hits ever? It’s great. Dolly is great. I love it.

Her favourite song that she has written
I go through periods of loving and hating songs that I write. Right now I’m still in love with Hole In Your Chest. It’s fun to sing, it started out as a therapeutic song about a pretty crappy break up and I get to play my ukulele so it has many wins.

A song she has been listening to a lot recently
Faintest Idea – Bull In A China Shop… Its just so damn catchy and has the best hooks. Such a great band live too.

Her all-time favourite song
This is possibly the hardest question known to man next to “Why are we here?”…. I’m not sure I can answer it actually. I have two songs tattooed in part for different reasons so I guess those are a good starting point. Riskee And The Ridicule’s Roots and Jimmy Eat World’s Hear You Me… I know… It’s not one song, but that’s the best I can do. Possibly “Why are we here” would be easier…

Millie Manders’ new EP Obsession Transgression will be released on November 20. In addition, she will be playing a few shows in the coming weeks. The dates run as follows:

Oct 25: O2 Academy 2, Islington
Oct 29: The Actress and Bishop, Birmingham
Oct 30: The Green Gate, Caister – On – Sea
Oct 31: The Castle Tavern, Sheerness
Nov 7: OxJam, Clapham

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About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.