The Minerva Conduct – [Self-Titled]

Instrumental albums are intriguing because they’re honest. Their syntax is pure emotion and the driven mood of the players can’t be masked with confusion. As words are composed with frequencies in a language that conveys meaning beyond instruction. Without a guiding commentary on what the songs are about instrumentals, open to interpretation, are accessibly synaesthetic.

The Minerva Conduct is a colourful meeting of musicians from Demonic Resurrection, Gutslit, Albatross and Entheos. Self-titled this album requires no sub-text. The music moves the listener through almost psychedelic dimensions of tone and frequency. Directing attention to the emotional drive of the songs through a diverse cast of synths, guitars and complimentary drum patterns.

In both tone and timbre this album excels at being an interesting and detailed sonic environment that also happens to have an emotional roller coaster running through it. Much of this interest is created by a keen sense of technique. As these songs are intuitive and well developed. With cohesion prioritized within the compositions. Solos don’t appear just to fall back in. They duet with the rest of the score.

It’s comprehension like this that makes this prog-like album an absolute dream to listen to, start to finish and everything in between. The riffs contrast intense brutality with intelligent design. While swimming in a sea of synthesis. Where the atmosphere is magnified by the unorthodox sounds on the synth track. The guitar is the most prevalent voice on the album yet the foundation on which its melodies build are strong.

Hailed as a super group The Minerva Conduct is a project, and an album, that can stand on its own merits. The compositions are alluring and clever enough to sustain interest after their initial hook. However what’s even better is listening to how they blend all that unconventional wisdom into just under fifty minutes of play time.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.