Morgoth – Ungod Review

MorgothMorgoth are back with their new album Ungod, which is their first full length release in almost 20 years, following 1996’s Feel Sorry for the Fanatic.

As far as death metal goes, it’s nothing new or groundbreaking, and it follows a similar sort of format as every other death metal band out there so it’s difficult to get tremendously excited about what’s contained within the eleven tracks as Ungod inevitably starts to drag after a while of listening to it.

One of the main problems is that none of the songs stand out from the crowd and truly grip you. It works well as background music but the sad truth of the matter is that none of the songs quite manage to maintain your interest from start to finish – Morgoth have taken somewhat of a copy and paste approach with Ungod and the lack of variation between songs is frustrating.

In all honesty, it doesn’t quite feel like Morgoth are firing from all cylinders when it comes to Ungod and have elected to take the lazy and safe way out, rather than trying something different or adventurous. It’s a shame – this album could have ended up being so much more than this.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.