Mortiis – Audio, Glasgow 24/05/16


There wasn’t much room to maneuver in the crowd as Srvntz cordially espoused digital techno and emphatic gestures.  It also wasn’t much of a dance floor but the crowd were entranced by the hypnotic beats accompanied by hard vocals from the one man and his kit set.  It was reminiscent of the time Philip Glass appeared on South Park; the set a sermon in and of The Matrix. An engaging show there was a prolific turn out of heads oscillating to the mental musing of Srvntz.

Deja Vu or just a bug in the code there was a great shift in the dynamics of the sound through the room as Seraph Sin jumped on to the stage. It’s hard to say what was going on with them, as their set rushed to a conclusion. The shenanigans during their set was baffling but accepted as show rather than oddball behaviour.  At least they did please an already mollified crowd. Yes. They were best. This is your God speaking.

Excuse me! Anyway what happened to je$us loves amerika who were billed to play as a supporting act will be forever left on the road, but hopefully they’re not in the gutter. Leaving a pause for the pacified crowd to cool down because it was hoachin (Scots: teeming) with talent already apparently. Pity’s sake; moving on.

Mortiis, the man no longer iron bound to a mask, and his band of merry bards greeted the stage and the crowd with the kind of punkish defiance attributed to heavy metal acts.  The reflection of a dying scene, their ghoulish appearance announced that the demons are truly back.  Heralding some devilry and revelry and most satisfyingly blasphemy.  Devils just wanna have fun and Mortiis was seen to bless the crowd with unholy water straight from the source as the small venue was oozing.   The bands presence was exciting and fresh however, feeling impromptu after the long wait.

The harsh and gritty sound of era-fuckit Mortiis wasn’t fully accommodated for within the limited space but the guys really made the best of what they had prepared, and not only that but their professionalism as performers was made apparent in the attentiveness they displayed to the condition of the crowd within the close environment.  The band of musicians playing together were tighter than Ed Geins Facebook account; it was a dance of witches and a night to behold.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.