Motion City Soundtrack – Panic Stations Review

motion city soundtrack panic stationsIt’s perhaps fair to say that Motion City Soundtrack is a band that has mastered the art of writing catchy sing-along songs over the course of their illustrious career and they show no signs of slowing down with Panic Stations, their sixth album.

Panic Stations essentially picks up where their previous offering Go left off, and is jam-packed with some stunning tracks that will really stick in your mind.

Although for the most part, Panic Stations follows the same tried-and-tested formula that Motion City Soundtrack have been using for the duration, there’s also a few moments that show a different side to the band. Second track TKO features snippets of harsh vocals linking sections of the song together and fifth track It’s A Pleasure To Meet You has a somewhat punky edge to the instrumentation thanks to the sheer energy behind the drums and guitars.

There’s no denying that Panic Stations is a great album but on the other hand there are some songs that seem familiar, almost like we’ve heard them already on past albums, so it would be nice to see a little more experimentation on Motion City Soundtrack’s part, but as a whole this is an album that will please all fans of the band – both old and new.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.