Mütterlein – Orphans Of The Black Sun Review

Mütterlein orphans of the black sunOrphans Of The Black Sun, the new release from Mütterlein, is not going to be for everyone’s tastes. Sitting firmly in the avant-garde spectrum, it’s certainly not the easiest album to get into but nevertheless is a release that is worth taking the time to sit down and fully take in.

At times it feels a little haphazardly arranged with no real direction, but when you look at the pieces as part of a bigger picture, you can’t help but notice how masterfully arranged it all is. Each little element has its own place and from the atmospheric synths to the distinctly delivered vocals and great guitar work, the flow is great.

A particular highlight comes in the form of middle track My War, which features a recurring synth line that will inevitably wind up stuck in your head after you’re done listening, and the half-bellowed vocals that progress into an almost ethereal delivery as the song progresses is absolutely beautiful. The gently-delivered drums in the background are also a nice touch, giving the track pace but not sounding overwhelming.

As a whole, Orphans Of The Black Sun is a great listen – it does take a little while to fully get into, and possibly a few re-listens in order to fully appreciate it, but if you have the time to invest into this stunning piece, then it really will be worth your while.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.