Nachtblut – Todschick Review

Release date: 21st February 2025

It’s always a pleasure to get new music from the mighty Nachtblut, and Todschick is naturally another fantastic piece of work from this talented four-piece.

Todschick is perhaps more of an album that grows on you. On my first few listens, I didn’t feel like it quite hit as powerfully as some of their previous releases, but the more I listened, the more I found myself connecting with it. It’s a definite slow-burner, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing as if anything, it makes you pay a little more attention to it in order to truly appreciate the music.

A track that grabbed me right away, however, was Mein ist die Hölle. The simple introduction really stands out, almost forcing you to listen a bit more closely, and the chorus is absolutely massive in comparison, with a lot of layers and orchestration – and is absolutely perfect to blast at full volume and scream along with the vocals. Hopefully this one will make it into their live set on their upcoming album launch tour. Other highlights include Kinder des Zorns, a fast-paced and energetic number, and the intriguing Stirb Langsam, which sounds like a song by pre-Renegades Equilibrium – certainly not a bad thing!

Todschick may not be my favourite release from Nachtblut (I’m still severely attached to Apostasie), but it’s still an absolutely fantastic listen and I’m very eager to see what they’ve cooked up with the bonus CD that will be arriving with my box-set soon. Now bring on the album launch show in a few days in Osnabrück!


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.