Nat’s 2024 Picks

I can’t work out if 2024 has flown by or if time has gone slowly. Either way, there’s been some great albums and shows this year…here’s what I thought were particularly good.


01: Project Silence – The Void

Tracks to check out: Blood Moon, Cult, Rip The Flesh
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Project Silence has been on my radar for almost ten years now. Their releases have always been consistently great, and I’ve really enjoyed seeing the band’s progression over the years. The Void is Project Silence’s third full-length release and although I’ve loved all their past releases, The Void feels like it is at the next level – I am really enjoying the added synthwave elements to their sound and Blood Moon in particular really hits the spot. And with their recently-released single The Conjurer being similarly impressive, I have very high hopes for what’s next.

02: Windwaker – Hyperviolence

Tracks to check out: SIRENS, Vertigo, Infinity
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Hyperviolence was my first introduction to Windwaker – and what an introduction it was! Thirteen tracks of sheer excellence, Hyperviolence blew me away and then some. SIRENS is probably one of the most catchy songs I’ve ever come across, and Vertigo is absolutely massive. I absolutely have to see this band live, so I’m keeping everything crossed that they’ll make it to Europe and I’ll get to witness their live spectacle next year. By far my best discovery of 2024.

03: Kick The Giant – Presence

Tracks to check out: Out Of Time, Distant Memories, Presence
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It feels like I’ve been waiting forever to hear the debut album from Kick The Giant, but needless to say it was worth the wait. I’m not much of a fan of prog any more, but Kick The Giant are one of the few exceptions. Presence is a quietly great album that really ticks all the right boxes, and I keep coming back to it time and time again. Oh and also, I finally got to see the band live this year and that was also worth the wait! 2024 has definitely been the year for Kick The Giant.

04: Verikalpa – Tuomio

Tracks to check out: Tuomio, Tuhkakruunu, Tulimerten taa
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This picks list has it all. A long-time favourite band, a new discovery, an eagerly awaited debut…and finally a band I have come to expect consistency from. You can absolutely rely on Verikalpa to release a solid and enjoyable folk metal album roughly every two years, and that is exactly what they have done with Tuomio. No surprises, just another really fucking awesome collection of tunes, but I am so here for that.


I didn’t actually review any of these, whoops. Still wanted to include some of my particularly great live highlights of 2024 though!

01: Enter Shikari – Victoria Warehouse, Manchester – 15th February

Having always maintained that Enter Shikari is one of the best live bands in the UK who really put on a unique and engaging show, I genuinely have no idea why it took me sixteen years to see them for a second time after my first show of theirs. I actually saw Shikari twice in 2024, but it was this Manchester show that felt really special. The setlist was perfection, the atmosphere was electric, and I felt those beats in my soul. I can’t put into words just how incredible this show was – the main reason why I didn’t end up reviewing it – so I’ll just leave it at that for now.
(also apologies for the bad quality accompanying photo. I upgraded my phone since attending this show and don’t have any photos from this show on the new phone so had to rip this from Insta)

02: The 69 Eyes – Garage, Saarbrücken – 30th October

I listened to Devils so much back in the day that I’m genuinely surprised I didn’t wear my CD copy of it out. That album was THE SHIT so when The 69 Eyes announced they were doing an anniversary tour and playing the album in full, I practically dropped everything to book time off, before securing tickets and flights to witness the songs live. It was actually the first time I got to see The 69 Eyes live too (again, unsure why it took me so long) and to say it was worth the wait was an understatement. It was such a treat to hear all the Devils songs live, but they do lose a point for not playing the album in order 👻😂

03: Atreyu – Klub Hybrydy, Warsaw – 26th June

On the opposite end of the scale, I’ve been attending Atreyu gigs for close to nineteen years now, and I can honestly say they are one of my favourite bands to see live. I always have an absolute blast whenever I get to see them, so it felt like the natural next step was to catch them outside of the UK. Their show in Warsaw was definitely one of my favourites I’ve attended so far – the relaxed, easy atmosphere between the members just felt great, and the setlist featured a massive chunk of my favourites by them. I was always convinced that Doomsday was the perfect opening song for them (totally remember my face being melted at Taste Of Chaos 2008) but after seeing them open with Drowning twice now, I think my opinion has been firmly swayed. Next year I’ll be seeing them play The Curse in full twice, so expect to see them make a repeat appearance on my 2025 picks article as well.

04: Swallow The Sun/Ensiferum – Pakkahuone, Tampere – 12th December

This show was actually ten years to the day of my very first gig in Finland! Swallow The Sun were stunning as always, and MelancHoly felt particularly hard-hitting in a live environment – I really hope that track becomes a set staple in years to come. And as for Ensiferum, they were just great fun. They always know how to put on an engaging show, and I was particularly pleased to hear that the mighty Two Of Spades was back in the setlist again! I absolutely have to see both of these bands live again soon.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.