Necrosexual – Grim 1 Review

Released on: 23rd February 2018

Grim 1 might seem like a parody of all that is dank and unholy but it’s a serious effort and a seriously good one at that. It captures the spirit of influence that inspired much of the second wave of BM in one rockin’ album. Reminiscient of Mercyful Fate and Celtic Frost the blues don’t get any dirtier than this. Necrosexuals’ debut album is a jagged little viagra pill in a genre that’s suffering from DSBM.

With fierce thrash riffs and a plethora of blast beats the pacing on this album goes from fraught to sexy in the space of a keyboard intro. Yet even with the allusions to old school thrash this album also embodies a bad punk attitude. Which really helps set this album apart from what can best be described as sludge. Sludge that postulates on an existential crisis through the conflicted art form of black metal. There’s none of that here thankfully.

Grim 1 has none of that. It sounds like a pillow made out of sandpaper that’s been covered in drool while the band are having wet dreams of necro nymphs in the shadows.

Necrosexual sometimes offer a little bit more than a pastiche of familiar black metal riffs on Grim 1 and they use them brazenly and without remorse. Grim 1 is derivative of millennial black metal and this satire works because those riffs were great the first time around. This is not to suggest that the album is unoriginal because it really isn’t. There’s a lot of personality crammed into this thirty-plus minute album and while it’s not a classic it’s certainly kvlt.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.