Nekrokraft – Servants Review

Released on: 4th May 2018

While not initially clear it is possible that Nekrokraft are blackened thrash metal from Sweden. A fact that is soon emphasized by the rigorous blast beats and brutal tremolo styling in the way they use guitars. You really need to hear it to believe it. They are both brutal and blackened thrash metal. For short though let us just refer to their genre as Brash Metal. Which is a portmanteau for Brutal Blackened Thrash Metal, just do not quote me Engrish.

Servants is the second album from Nekrokraft and for all intents and purposes is a brutal blackened thrash metal album. The riffs are coarse with a crispy guitar tone to boot. And they swing more to the blackened side of the spectrum. As for the vocals. Without an eye for detail you would be remiss for thinking this was a black death metal album.

While the majority of the songwriting on this album is blackened metal there are some facets that fit the trash genre more. And which would be frowned upon by the true elite black metal Wizzards. They got solos and they got arpeggios. They have got a keen ear for devilish melodies and a penchant for utilizing harmonics. They even have moments of clean bliss before dirtying everything again with their ferocity.

However the most important thing on Servants is something Nekrokraft have in abundance. Blackened thrash metal riffs. These guys bring incendiary riffs with a keen energy. Inspiring the mind to tear down walls fight through the power and cover the silence in guitar based malaise.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.