Nervus’ Playlist

Next month, Nervus will be releasing their excellent second album Everything Dies, which can be preordered from here. The band have also just released a video for their song The Way Back, and you can watch it here! Ahead of the release of their album, we caught up with vocalist and guitarist Em Foster to get an insight into the bands’ tastes, influences and favourite songs – get involved below.

A song that influenced you
Death Cab For Cutie – Why You’d Want To Live Here
One of the earlier Death Cab tunes but the production is great, the song is great, the use of time signatures and patterns is awesome, and it’s really sarcastic as well which is something I can get behind.

A song that you wish you could have written
Paramore – Ain’t It Fun
I remember when this song came out and it just stuck with me for ages. The arrangement is incredible.

Your favourite Nervus song
Nobody Loses All The Time
What a belter. Everyone kills it. Jack’s drumming in the middle 8 is the best as well. It’s about love, which is nice isn’t it?

A song you have been listening to a lot recently
Palm – Dog Milk
It’s mesmerising and completely incomprehensible at the same time. I watched their KEXP live session the other day and it’s ludicrous. What a band.

Your all time favourite song
Karl isn’t here at the moment but I know that his favourite song is Stone Roses by Fool’s Gold.
I have no idea what my favourite song of all time is, but Paul’s is Happy Birthday. “It makes everyone happy once a year.”
Jack says “No song makes me feel more uncomfortable. It makes my skin crawl.”
Happy Birthday to Jack!

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.