Nic Nassuet – Eleutherios Review

Eleutherios nIC nASSUETOne of the first things that hits you about Eleutherios, the new album from Gothic/folk artist Nic Nassuet, is the sheer emotiveness of it – and given that the album is fairly sparse and simplistic musically, this is no mean feat!

The vocals are quietly stunning, adding a lot of atmosphere to the acoustic guitars and gentle violin lines, and are also very versatile, ranging from powerfully delivered emotive lines right through to gentle ethereal sections with an edge of mystery to them. Meanwhile, the instrumentation adds a lot of body and depth to the album, and it all just flows so well from start to finish.

The album is masterfully constructed and a particular highlight of it is the song When It Falls. Beginning with a catchy acoustic guitar riff, when the vocals kick in you can’t help but want to sing along by the time you reach the chorus – it’s one of those songs that will stuck in your head and it really leaves an impression on you.

Overall, Eleutherios is a stunning album that is an easy and accessible listen. If you haven’t checked this out yet, then what are you waiting for?


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.