Picks Of The Month: November 2018

Nat’s Picks

Décembre Noir – Autumn Kings
Track to check out: In The Pouring Rain
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/decembre-noir-autumn-kings-review/
Purchase link: https://decembrenoirlfr.bandcamp.com/album/autumn-kings

A seriously powerful piece, and something you REALLY need to check out if you’re into your death/doom.

Anomalie – Integra
Track to check out: Aurora
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/anomalie-integra-review/
Purchase link: https://artofpropaganda.bandcamp.com/album/integra

Anomalie can do no wrong, it seems – Integra is another mighty bit of work and one of those EPs you’ll keep wanting to come back to.

Dave’s Picks

Dead Can Dance – Dionysus
Track to check out: The Inovcation
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/dead-can-dance-dionysus-review/
Purchase link: https://dcd.lnk.to/DionysusWE

DCD further experiment with dark world music and prove a blinding light within the medium of music with Dionysus.

In The Woods… – Cease the Day
Track to check out: Cloud Seeder
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/in-the-woods-cease-the-day-review/
Purchase link: https://inthewoods-no.bandcamp.com/album/cease-the-day

Fifteen years ago I’d say that this In The Woods… albums sounds like Tiamat reflecting The Gathering while moving towards a more comprehensive song structure. How times change. But Cease the Day is a welcome reminder of good music gone by.

Indarra – Walk on Fire
Track to check out: An Innis Aigh
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/indarra-walk-on-fire-review/
Purchase link: https://indarra.bandcamp.com/album/walk-on-fire

Again with the world music! Although this time Sue Hutton and company take a more contemporary approach as the muse. This is a beautiful album with a wonderful soul.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.