Singled Out: Ocasan – Camden Casualty


Ocasan recently released their new single Camden Casualty. We caught up with the band’s singer/guitarist Nick to find out a bit more, and we reviewed the single too! Check it all out below.

Ocasan On Camden Casualty

So what’s the story behind the track?
We write lots of observational songs. In this case, Nathan (Bear), noticed some bizarre people in Camden on a night out. There were a line of discarded Stella cans left next to the lock and these guys were systematically picking them up and drinking the contents, cigarette butts and all. I remember Nathan saying the words, “what a Casualty”. That’s what sparked the inspiration.

Can you describe your writing and recording process for it?
In a nutshell, once the concept and lyrics are down, the music evolves from the mood and meaning of the piece. We take a lot of pride in chord progression, it has been said we have a very particular sound when it comes to chord voicings and harmony. As far as the melody is concerned, in Camden Casualty the verse at the end of each phrase the vocal line falls to the tonic (A) giving a strong sense of resolve as the content is simply listing facts through visual observation. The Chorus and middle revolve and work up to D (the 4th) and this rise in pitch through the chords and melody has helped lift the song and pass on its overall message, “Who’d really want to be a Camden Casualty?”

As far as the recording process, we have decided to take a completely DIY approach to our new material. As well as stepping into the unknown and risking not capturing the magic you can with a larger budget, we have been able to instead capture the complete essence of what it is to create a product without any outside input. Having the time to record on our own has allowed the songs to find a happy medium between being raw and produced. Capturing that raw vibe that everyone talks about has been essential. Having a relaxed home studio environment has been both restricting but exciting. We’re able to have complete control of our sound and at the same time be creative and experimental with our production. For us it a new learning environment.

What made you choose the song as a single?
We are definitely still experimenting with our sound. It’s constantly evolving as are we. This ethos as a band has been so important to our longevity. Camden Casualty is a snapshot of everyday life. Not from a consumerist point of view when people flock to the vibrant Camden we all know and love. Instead it is intentionally written from the POV of someone who is looking at the whole picture, good and bad.

And what have you got in the works for the rest of the year?
We have always wanted to write a Christmas song. A lot of the excitement about what we do comes from the writing so why not write about that magical experience, but with a twist. The song is called Welcome To The World. Eating yellow snow is mentioned in the song, along with a few simple life lessons. It’s super cheery, makes you wanna sway! We are set to record this in the coming weeks for release in December. This video is going to be incredible!

Soundscape On Camden Casualty

ocasan camden casualtyCamden Casualty is an airy melodic piece with a nice little melancholic kick to it and although there is nothing that quite sets Ocasan apart from the rest of the crowd in the alt-rock scene, it is still a great listen regardless and is a track that will worm its way into your head after a few listens, thanks to the powerful vocals that are simply asking to be sang along to.

The drum and bass are powerful, keeping the momentum going, and the guitar adds body to the piece, so as a whole it makes for a good listen. There is a lot of potential within the tracks and Ocasan is certainly a band worth keeping an eye on – give them time, and they could become a force to be reckoned with!

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.