Omnium Gatherum – Grey Heavens Review

omnium gatherum grey heavensIt’s always a pleasure to hear new material from Omnium Gatherum and with their latest offering Grey Heavens, it really does feel like the band can do no wrong.

Grey Heavens is ten tracks of absolutely stunning music and it is an absolute joy to listen to, from the in-your-face guitars from opener The Pit right through to the fading synths at the end of closer Storm Front – it’s clear that Omnium Gatherum have really took their time with not only writing the songs, but also arranging them in the best possible order on the album in order to really leave an impression on the listener.

An early highlight comes in the form of second track Skyline, a wildly catchy track that will get your foot tapping along in no time thanks to the funky introduction before the main guitar riff kicks in and it will be rattling round your head for days. In addition to this, the vocals have so much body and power behind them that they’ll send shivers down your spine. This is clearly a song tailor-made for a live environment.

Another tremendous inclusion is Rejuvenate!, a song which has a hell of a lot of drive to it thanks to the relentless energy behind the drums, and the track also features some stunning keyboard lines, whether used in a lead role or as more of a supporting instrument.

Omnium Gatherum have done it again and have delivered a fantastic album – quite simply, Grey Heavens is a stunning listen.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.