Orbseven – .ismos. Review

Orbseven ismos.ismos. is from one-man-opus A. 7even, composer and producer of Orbseven. O7 can be described within the anachronistic territory of alternative music as avant-garde metal capturing the true sound of iconic Norwegian innovators with sophistication and acute refinement.

Emphasizing the experimental blackened side of O7 .ismos. is darker, more sinister and less elaborate than 7evens’ previous titles. Striking a less is more approach in addressing the hollow silence between the baleful vocal chords beasting away with the disquieting rhythm and blending that with some classic heavy riffing.

The synth and vocals aggregate harmoniously with attenuation to layers of impending silence. A perfect juxtaposition to the ominous and piercing tone coming off from the dissonant guitar before it cleanly cuts through the foggy notion of peace.

With a crunchier death-like production the songs have an eerily dense later of foreboding. Occasionally the pinion of this balance tips into spook inducing atmosphere, whilst the synths frolic with the guitars in a ritual trance.

Envisioned with murky despair similar to and at times reminiscent of Dark Tranquility the structure retains its edginess without letting any component sink into the noisome abyss of extreme metal tropes while pacing favourably in the same sound field.

.ismos. is an outstanding composite of extreme metal, invoking great influences into a greater present.


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About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.