Orkan – Element Review

Release date: 5th October 2018

I really wish there was more to get excited about with this album. Element is the third album from Orkan, and after seriously enjoying Livlaus I was eagerly awaiting to see what Orkan would do next. The album is alright, but doesn’t have that special spark that the band’s last two albums had.

The tracks seem to merge into one another, with there not being a great deal of variety from song to song. It’s difficult to engage with the album as a result of this, and you don’t really connect with the music. There’s clearly a lot of talent within the band but it doesn’t quite translate into the music this time around. There’s a bit of promise in the closing track Heim due to the softer approach as opposed to the harsh noises of the rest of Elements but aside from that, the album just falls a little flat.

It’s a shame because Orkan’s previous two releases were excellent, but don’t let this review put you off – you may well find something in the music that I didn’t.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.