Patria – Magna Adversia Review

patria Magna AdversiaPatria’s last album, Individualism, really impressed me, so I had high hopes with their follow-up entitled Magna Adversia and once again, the band has created a top-notch piece of work featuring some awesome songs.

Black metal can occasionally be somewhat of a stagnated genre, as there is a vast amount of bands all making similar music to one another, but Patria have put their own stamp on the genre, staying true to the genre itself but adding enough of a twist for their music to sound fresh, interesting and exciting. There’s a bit more clean-ness to their sound, with some good little injections of melody for good measure, and there’s a nice element of energy and relentlessness to Magna Adversia as a whole. It subsequently means Patria grabs your interest and holds it from start to finish.

A particular highlight of Magna Adversia is later track The Oath, which is a downright epic piece of work. The snarled vocals are immense, especially when coupled with the melodic guitars atop of the more in-your-face wall of sound beneath, and the momentum of the track is nigh-on relentless. Additionally, the more ambient outro of the song, with just some synthesised notes and background noise, is a good way of rounding it up as it lets the listener absorb the piece before Patria brings the noise once again with the following track.

All in all, another powerful release from Patria. This band knows how to make a memorable listen, and Magna Adversia is possibly their best album yet.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.