We always try to introduce you to your next new favourite band here at Soundscape, and we feel post hardcore, alt rockers Pavilions might just be that.
The band are Tezz Roberts – Vocals, Ryan ‘Coop’ Cooper – Guitar/Vocals, Tel Earthey – Drums, Matty Daley – Bass and Alex Headen – Guitar and are in the process of recording their long awaited debut album when we spoke to them.
Please introduce yourself to our readers?
Tezz – I’m the vocalist in Pavilions.
Where did the bands name come from?
We actually can’t tell you where the band name came from, its a secret and we all swore an oath to keep it a secret
How did you get started?
It all started when Coop and myself met at a party and decided to have a jam, things became more serious when we realised we worked well together. The next member to join was Tel, he’d previously met me from playing in other bands together and instantly agreed to join. We started to practice and write songs together at our rehearsal rooms, but we where under another band name back then (which im not going to say) but we soon enough realised we needed a name and sound change as we grew as musicians. We later Poached Headen from another band, he was never meant to be a permanent member as he was a drummer in another band but he fit in so well and enjoyed jamming with us that he decided to stick around. after losing a few bands members from commitment issues we finally found matty our new bassist who came in a couple of weeks before we where due to record our debut album and he’s smashed it. we finally feel this is the best/committed line up we’ve ever had.
What have you got going on at the moment?
We’ve just been to London to record our debut album with Dan Lancaster (produced Don Broco/Mallory Knox), so we will be working closely with our management on ways to promote and push the album as far as it can go. we are also working on booking a few tours for the end of the year and start of next year.
Whats your favourite music and why?
I wouldnt say I have favourite music as I like loads of different styles but if I had to pick a band at the moment it would probably be Don Broco.
Favourite book and why?
My favourite books are probably colouring books because I’m really good at not going outside the lines.
Favourite film and why?
My favourite movie is a toss up between The Avengers or Star Trek Into Darkness.
Best experience in the business so far?
Best experience so far has been meeting new fans who genuinely love your music and appreciate the work you do it means a lot to have some one come up and say they love your songs.
Why should Soundscape readers care?
We dont expect Soundscape readers to care, we just hope they give our music a chance and if they like it then thats great and we appreciate they took time to give us a chance.
Tell our readers an interesting fact about the band?
Our drummer Tel has a really interesting birth mark, I cant really describe it but if you ever meet us just ask him to show you. He’s always happy to share it with people.
What’s the best and worst things about touring?
The best thing about touring is meeting new people wether it be fans or bands, the worst thing is sleeping in a van with 5 lads trying to get comfortable sleeping on band equipment.
What’s your writing and recording process like?
Well, the majority of the songs are written by myself and coop on guitar, then we take it to the rehearsal room to teach to the rest of the lads. Then we all tweak it here and there putting our own mark on it. Once we are happy with how the structure goes I then write lyrics. sometimes the structure will change again once I’ve written lyrics. We have had songs that have been re-written 7/8 times.
What inspires you?
New music inspires me, hearing something new and thinking that’s genius I want to write something clever like that.
Who are your role models/idols?
My role models and idols are people in the rock music industry because they have to work twice as hard to get noticed than people in the pop world. its all too easy these days to go on xfactor and become famous for singing other people music.
Hardest thing about the current business?
The hardest thing is trying to get people to listen to your music, or come to a show. if you aren’t a big band people dont seem to care.
What are the bands future plans?
Tour tour tour tour tour, and write a second album.
Favourite Batman actor?
Adam west.