Phlefonyaar – Septic, Bitter And Hardbitten Review

PhlefonyaarAbsolutely filthy and with a nice sludgy undertone, Septic, Bitter And Hardbitten (the new album from Phlefonyaar – and don’t ask me to try and pronounce their name!) is rather good indeed.

Phlefonyaar certainly don’t rush things with Septic, Bitter And Hardbitten, with the pace being a fairly slow one overall, but nevertheless everything on the album slots in nicely together as the construction of the album is fantastic and it results in a great flow as each track flows well into the next. Although there’s not much variety from song to song, each track still has its own identity to hold onto and still packs a punch – albeit a very slow and sluggish one!

From the half-bellowed, half-screamed vocals, to the rumbling guitars and crushing percussion, there’s a lot of power and sheer aggression behind the music, giving it all a fairly meaty vibe, and the music just hits you like a tonne of bricks – especially penultimate track You Can Never Have (Too Many Knives), which is an absolutely glorious slab of monstrous noise.

All in all, a pretty hefty release with some face-meltingly good inclusions. Phlefonyaar are onto a winner with this album, and I’m already keen to see what they’re cooking up next!


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.