Picks Of The Month: April 2020

I don’t know about you, but I’m honestly losing track of days now. Hope you guys are staying safe, here’s our favourite releases from April for you to take a listen to!

Nat’s Picks

Babylonfall – Collapse
Track to check out: Celestials
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/babylonfall-collapse-review/
Purchase link: https://babylonfall.bandcamp.com/releases

I’ve been excited to hear music from Babylonfall for about two and a half years prior to Collapse‘s release, and thankfully it lived up to my rather high expectations. It sounds absolutely massive and I still can’t get their Celestials track out of my head!

Katatonia – City Burials
Track to check out: Lacquer
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/katatonia-city-burials-review/
Purchase link: https://www.omerch.eu/shop/katatonia/products/katatonia-city-burials-media-book

Dark, emotive and breathtaking. The perfect soundtrack to these dark days.

Dynazty – The Dark Delight
Track to check out: Presence Of Mind
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/dynazty-the-dark-delight-review/
Purchase link: https://shop.afm-records.de/new/1714/dynazty-the-dark-delight-digipak-cd

Sometimes you need music that will lift you up, and that’s exactly what Dynazty have done with The Dark Delight. Get those hairbrush microphones at the ready!

Dave’s Picks

Snog – Lullabies For The Lithium Age
Track to check out: Tear It All Down (With A Song)
Purchase link: https://www.metropolis-records.com/product/11762/lullabies-for-the-lithium-age

A fine example of country music for the digital era.

Lindstrøm – Live At Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
Track to check out: Forward Spring
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=an8Z60q9nyY

You just wish you were there.

Olivier Deriviere – Streets of Rage 4
Track to check out: Rising Up
Purchase link: https://olivierderiviere.bandcamp.com/album/streets-of-rage-4

Many soundtracks are passive affairs that compliment the dramatic scenes they accompany; This album is an active soundtrack that’ll possess your every thought.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.