Picks Of The Month: February 2020

Nat’s Picks

Verikalpa – Tuoppitanssi
Track to check out: Tuoppitanssi
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/verikalpa-tuoppitanssi-review/
Purchase link: https://scarletrecords.bandcamp.com/album/tuoppitanssi

Verikalpa are back!!! I was really excited for new material from this awesome Finnish folk metal band and this did not disappoint. Catchy, powerful songs destined to be stuck in your head – what more could you want??

Sylosis – Cycle Of Suffering
Track to check out: Calcified
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/sylosis-cycle-of-suffering-review/
Purchase link: https://www.sylosis-band.com/product/cycle-of-suffering-cd/

Back from their hiatus, Sylosis absolutely are not fucking about with Cycle Of Suffering. Quite possibly their best album to date.

Godthrymm – Reflections
Track to check out: The Grand Reclamation
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/godthrymm-reflections-review/
Purchase link: https://profoundlorerecords.bandcamp.com/album/reflections

Heavier than four stars, which is exactly what I like.

Dave’s Picks

Sepultura – Quadra
Track to check out: The Pentagram
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/sepultura-quadra-review/
Purchase link: https://www.nuclearblast.de/en/shop/artikel/gruppen/51000.1.html?article_group_sort_type_handle=rank&custom_keywords=SEPULTURA&custom_artists=71112#page-1

It seems that finally, FINALLY, Sepultura have graduated from the great spirit of the Cavalera brothers and have come into their own.  Quadra is a new generation of Seps that is fresh and exciting.

On Thorns I Lay – Threnos
Track to check out: Ouranio Deos
Our review: https://www.soundscapemagazine.com/on-thorns-i-lay-threnos-review/
Purchase Link: https://onthornsilaylfr.bandcamp.com/album/threnos

Threnos is a special kind of Goth Metal. One that originated in the 90’s with bands like The Sins Of thy Beloved, The Gathering and Paradise Lost.  The kind of Goth metal that started off as Death Metal until the band found out about Mortician. Although they try to keep the philosophy alive Mortician downtuned them out of the sonisphere where they continue to make ethereal death music a.k.a Goth.

EKORS – Dead Trees
Track to check out: Broceliande
Purchase link: https://leylarecords.bandcamp.com/album/dead-trees

100% pure natural techno. Warning: may contain chainsaw.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.