Editor’s Playlist: 01 June 2015

After being snowed under with work last week, our playlist sadly had to take a back seat but we’re back in full force this week with five new picks for you to get your ears round. Either listen below, or check out the playlist over on our last.fm page.

Oceanwake – Parhelion
Seeing Oceanwake live at Klubi in Turku was incredible enough, but nothing could have prepared me for the majesty that was their latest album Sunless. In my review of it, I described it as an “absolutely sublime offering” and it’s an album that quite simply blew me away. Parhelion was a definite highlight – just check out those massive instrumental lines and versatile vocals!

Alexanred – Necessary Impermanent Isolation
Last week, Alexanred put out their brand new release, Redbeard.North. EP, and whilst you wait for our full review of it, make sure you give this track a listen. The juxtaposition of sparse and stripped-back moments against heavier and chunkier sections really works well and there’s certain hooks in the song that will be rattling round your head for days afterwards!

Sterbhaus – Crossed and Pissed and Devoured
Well, considering the last two videos from Sterbhaus found their way into both my best-of lists for 2013 and 2014, I naturally awaited the release of this video with bated breath. In true Sterbhaus fashion, this won’t be a video you’ll be forgetting in a hurry – so I’ll just let the video do the talking for me here and insist you take the time to watch it from start to finish.

Blomst – Ro deg ned
Punk rockers Blomst recently released their self-titled debut album and it’s an easy listen that is nice and gentle on the ears whilst also being in-your-face. Ro deg ned is the outfit’s latest single and if you like your punk noisy (but not too noisy) then these will be right up your street.

SHVPES – State Of Mine
Following the initial play of their new single State Of Mine two weeks ago on Radio One, SHVPES followed up with a video for the single and it’s absolutely great. A topical piece, it focuses on an antisocial character banned from all online activity and desperate to get back online. Check it out below!

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.