Editor’s Playlist – 09 March 2015

Wow, is it Monday again already? 2015 seems to be flying by and it’s time for our second playlist of March already! Here’s what we’ve been listening to in the past seven days – either get involved below or listen at our last.fm page here.

The Fateful Hour – Crumbling Pillars
After recently having an insightful chat with The Fateful Hour (the interview can be read in full here), we’ve been giving their debut album An Everlasting Silence a few spins and it’s a pretty damn good offering, with Crumbling Pillars being one of the highlights. It has this great clean vocal line in addition to the powerfully delivered harsh vocals, and the melody injected into this song really helps it to stand out from the crowd. Indeed, the album as a whole is a great listen and we’re already looking forward to their sophomore release – but for now just check out Crumbling Pillars and get involved.

In This Moment – Blood
We recently caught In This Moment live at Manchester Academy 2 (read our review here) and this song, which was the final song of the set, was easily one of the most magical of the entire performance. Aside from the crowd chanting “blood blood blood!” along with Maria when prompted to, the atmosphere was pretty epic and the way everyone onstage put 100% into their performance at all times made for some pretty excellent viewing.

Hogslayer – Despiser
Hogslayer are currently getting ready to release their second album Defacer via Undergroove in about two months time (see here for more details), and we’re already pretty excited here at Soundscape. The video for their track Despiser was released at the end of last year and serves as our first taster of the new album – and if that slab of sludgey goodness doesn’t whet your appetite, then I’m not sure what else will.

Amaranthe – Drop Dead Cynical
Drop Dead Cynical is the lead single from Amaranthe’s latest album Massive Addictive and by god, it’s insanely catchy. It’s one of those songs that can’t be listened to just once – you’ll want to listen to it again and again – and it’s been stuck in my head for at least the past week or so now. What can I say? Amaranthe know how to write an earworm or two, and Massive Addictive is full of them. Still not sold? Well, maybe our review of the album will help to make up your mind! Make sure you catch these guys live on their upcoming UK tour.

Whorion – Fall Of Atlas
I’ve been listening to a fair bit of Whorion lately and although this band has only released one EP, it still makes for some absolutely fantastic listening and all four of the songs contained on it just don’t seem to get old. Fall Of Atlas is the title track and quite simply, this song kicks some MAJOR ass. There’s a phenomenal amount of energy to the song and the guitar and synth lines are particularly strong, really leaving an impression on you as the track comes to a close. This band is surely going to achieve great things with their upcoming debut album.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.