Pord – Wild Review

pord wildFrench noise-rockers Pord are back with their brand new album Wild, which is the follow-up to their debut offering Valparaiso. Although only seven tracks in duration, meaning it’s not the most lengthy of albums, it’s certainly a substantial listen and there’s some real high points within.

Wild gets off to an energetic start with Staring Into Space, opening with a downright filthy bass riff (that winds up being a recurring element in the song that really gets stuck in your head) and it is indeed a striking song that leaves a great impression on you – what better way could there be to kickstart an album than this?!

Noisy, chaotic and clashing is the best way to describe third track My Bloody Galantine. There’s almost a slight doomy feel due to the fact the instrumentation is fairly repetitive and moves at a slow pace but there’s enough energy and momentum to sustain your interest from start to finish, making for an all-round great listen.

As a whole, Wild is a pretty decent release. There’s nothing about the album that truly sets Pord apart from other noise-rock bands but it is nevertheless a good listen and certainly worth a spin.


Pord: Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.