Psykosis – Welcome To The Psyko Ward Review

psykosis-welcome-to-the-psyko-wardStraight up no bullshit party metal is what the new album from Dublin’s Psykosis brings to the bathtub. Saturated in fluid songwriting the flow of this album moves fast and strong with every swoop. These Dubliners aren’t shy on Welcome To The Psyko Ward and they host the type of shindig that makes head banging on the living room floor sound like a good idea.

The band may have began in the aftermath of a binge session but this music is anything but stupid, with the Irish quartet having formed in 2008 and only just getting their gear heads tuned on to record their first album, it’s a long time to proof your sound but like a matured whiskey it was definitely worth it. As music has the same properties as alcohol, don’t you know, the tunes on offer are as drunk as a snake on St. Patricks day.

In almost an ode to classic heavy metal these Mentallers (mental + metaller) play a game of trick and treat. Yet they thankfully don’t engage with much of the wankery that modern metal has appropriated into its presentation, no fancy tapping and no delay fuckery. Going instead for the proverbial jugular with throttling solos and then primly licking the holes where the nails went. Asphyxiation might not be your cup of Baileys but the play will leave you breathless.

With the wailing of lead guitarist and vocalist Grant Walsh bringing to mind ‘King Diamond with deeper balls going for a B-Rating’ has done this band good stead. Not only do they have a sense of humour but they’ve got the mean talent of backing it up. Actually, if this album was a film it’d be directed by Paul Feig and Melissa McCarthy – slightly controversial but good laughs all round. If that offends you, who you gunna call?

Okay that’s a tenuous link there but they do use the obligatory [insert Zombie film sample here] trick. Is it daring social commentary or intimate self-reflection? Fuck knows. All you need to realise is that it’s fun and frolics with a no frills attitude.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.