Radwimps – Batsu To Maru To Tsumi To Review

radwimpsRadwimps have recently released their 2013 offering Batsu To Maru To Tsumi To to UK audiences and although it is a good listen, it unfortunately has its flaws as well.

Opening track Ienai is an all-round sickly affair; it just sounds too nice and clean, and is very repetitive, which doesn’t exactly make for the best of openings because it ultimately becomes somewhat grating, especially because of the dreary-sounding vocals and slow-going instrumentation. However, things pick up with following track Jikkyochuukei, which is a punchier track that has a lot more momentum and groove to it. Beginning with a striking and unique introduction which swiftly descends into a funkier and energetic line, and is vocally a very strong track, a direct contrast to Ienai. There is a real sense of urgency to the music as Radwimps power through the song and it really perks up the album after its slow start.

Batsu To Maru To Tsumi To continues in much of the same way from there, featuring some truly great tracks such as the emotive Breathe and massive-sounding epic Dreamer’s High, but on the other hand there are also some weaker tracks such as the slow-going Reunion and Perfect Baby, which feels like it has no real direction to it.

The album would perhaps work better if Radwimps had trimmed it down a little – at fifteen tracks in duration, Batsu To Maru To Tsumi To struggles to hold your interest at times because some of the songs don’t have a great deal of variety to them. It’s disappointing because when Radwimps are good, they’re very good, but the weaker songs really let the album down so for now, it just plays as a decidedly average listen.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.