Rattleplague – Bourbon Scenes Review

rattleplague bourbon scenesBourbon Scenes is the new EP from Rattleplague, following on from their 2014 demo, and it’s a great introduction to the band. There’s an awesome gritty and in-your-face sound to it all, subsequently making for a powerful and hard-hitting listen.

Bourbon Scenes has a lot of potential and serves as a nice little introduction to Rattleplague. The pace and tone of the songs is awesome, and the vocals give the instrumentation an extra lift, and help the music pack more of a punch – the energy and emotion in the performance is really great to witness.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a great deal of variety from song to song, as they all seem to follow the same format, so it’s difficult to pinpoint a particular highlight – but what I can say is that regardless of this, Bourbon Scenes is a hard-hitting release that is relentless from start to finish, with Rattleplague keeping up the momentum right from the opening drums and guitar of first track Parasite Brothel to the closing chords of the EP’s finale As I Perish.

Although in future releases it would be nice to see the band experiment and switch things up – even if it’s only slightly – Bourbon Scenes is a pretty decent EP as a whole, and I for one look forward to seeing where the band goes next.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.